Oklahoma Cannabis Bond/Commercial Cannabis Grower Bond
In 2023, Oklahoma instituted a $50,000 Cannabis Bond for growers. This includes existing licensed growers and new applicants if they cannot provide proof of land ownership for five years preceding license application. The surety bond covers the area of land within the permit area for growing cannabis. The full name of the bond form is the “Commercial Medical Marijuana Grower License Bond”. The bond form can be found at oklahoma.gov.
Cannabis Bonds in Other States
CCI Surety also handles Medical Cannabis Bonds in many other states. Other states will have different requirements and sizes than Oklahoma Marijuana Bonds. If you have Medical Cannabis Bonds in other states, please contact us directly for application materials.
Oklahoma Cannabis Bond Application
This bond requires a specific form and instructions. The best way to get started is to email alemke@ccisurety.com .
Other Surety Bonds
Contract Bonds including Bid, Performance & Payment, Reclamation, Supply, Maintenance
Commercial Bonds including BMC-84, License, Permit, Dealers, Court, Probate and many more
Oklahoma Cannabis Bond Bond Team
Have any idea to make this website easier to use? Please email jdillenburg@ccisurety.com
Proud Member of the National Association of Surety Bond Producers