Real examples of bond accounts we were able to approve and issue

Post by – Joe Allen –

Are you looking to write a large bid or performance bond?


Have you received a declination due to credit or financials?


Is the company a new entity, but your contractor has experience?


Are you only receiving offers with collateral requirements?


Real examples of bond accounts we were able to approve and issue:


$2,500,000 Performance & Payment Bond

Electrical Package for an Apartment Complex.
This job is 9 times larger than any of their actual completed projects under this entity.
The owner has 20 years of experience in the industry and is 80% complete with a $1.8M job.
Since everything else made sense – financials, scope of work, bid specs, strong references – we were able to get the SBA on board for support of this final bond!


$1,388,352 Performance & Payment Bond

Subcontractor on a large residential apartment project.
First ever bond need.
In-house financial statements.
$12MM backlog.
$395K available on $1.5MM BLOC.
Approved with the SBA Bond Program!


$1,100,000 Performance & Payment Bond

The job had already started and was 35% complete when we began our review.
Received a positive “All Rights Letter” and status report.
Approved with the SBA Bond Program!


If you have a completed submission from another carrier, send it over!


Contact CCI Surety

Have you recently received a declination from your standard market? If so, send the account over! Simply email or give us a call at (866) 317-3294.