Happy New Year! Commercial Surety News and Updates

Post by – Joe Allen –

Happy New Year!

Despite the challenges of 2020, we hope you had a successful and profitable year. Like everyone, we look forward to an even better 2021!
CCI Surety’s commercial bond department can help with many bond types, both large and small. If you’re working on something new or if you have recently received a declination from your standard carrier, let us know!

We’re currently seeing an uptick in:


✯BMC-84 bonds✯
✯Wage & Welfare bonds✯
✯Motor Vehicle Dealer bonds✯
✯School bonds✯
✯Professional Solicitor bonds✯
✯Fuel Tax bonds✯
Are you still trying to find a home for your 12/31 TX comptroller bonds? If so, we can help! Give us a call or send us an email.
✯Some bonds may require additional information✯

CCI Surety’s Commercial Bond Department

Michelle Anderson
Commercial Bond Manager

Senior Commercial Underwriter

Kayla Snook ✯ Alex Kissell Callie Bergsrud


Contact CCI Surety Today!

Have a completed submission from another market? Send it over! Simply email jallen@ccisurety.com or give us a call at (866) 317-3294.